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Sex: Female
ID: 092

Species: Feathered Utahraptor

Genotype: rgb(172,200,175) Fr / TT / Tp

Phenotype: Freckled Seafoam with Tears and Tapir

Age: Adult

Owner: iiyell






Current level: 10 || Relic Bones: 0
Approved EXP: 279 EXP

Unapproved EXP: 367 EXP


Approved art:

Aguing quest

The strenght of the pack - Aging quest for Isha ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, quest sub bonus +1, personal dino +1, other member dino +1, starter bonus +2, literature 484 words +1] 17 EXP

Smack - Aging quest for Vali ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5,  personal dino +1+1, starter bonus +2+2, literature 304 words +2] 19 EXP

First conquer - Aging quest ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, quest bonus +1, personal dino +1, starter bonus +2+2, other member ddino +1, literature 621 words +3] 21 EXP

Don't make it hard - Aging quest  ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, quest bonus +1, personal dino +1+1, literature 643 words +3] 17 EXP

The waterhole 1/3 - Hunting quest (only mentioned in the writting descript) ·[literature 373 words +2] 2 EXP


Storm surge event

Land - Storm surge event·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, event sub. bonus +1, personal dino x2 +2, event sub +1 other member's dino +1, literature 126 words +1] 16 EXP
Safe in land - Storm surge event ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5,event sub. bonus +1, personal dino +1, other member's dino +1, literature 184 words +1] 15 EXP
Food - Storm surge event ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, event sub. bonus +1, personal dino +1, event sub +1, starter bonus +2, other member's dino +1, literature 191 words +1] 18 EXP
Please don't eat our friend - Storm surge event ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, event sub. bonus +1, personal dino +1, other member's dino +1, starter bonus +2,, literature 220 words +1] 17 EXP
A warm welcome back - Storm surge event ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5,  personal dino +1, event sub +1, other member's dino +1, literature 408 words +1] 14 EXP

Personal story

Some time to reflex - Personal story ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1] 12 EXP



Monthly prompts

Always waiting - Feb prompt ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack bonus +2+1, starter bonus +2+2 , literature 572 words +3] 22 EXP

You have to stop this - Feb prompt ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1+1, literature 374 words +2] 15 EXP

By @RadicalRyuu - Aprilp prompt for Pony Boi ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5] 11 EXP

By @RadicalRyuu - March prompt for Pony Boi ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5] 11 EXP



By @TheDilophoraptor - Trade ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5] 11 EXP
By @saber-mom ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5] 11 EXP
By @umbrace ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5] 11 EXP

By @Umbrace - Aging quest for Ime ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5] 11 EXP

Unapproved art:

The waterhole 2/3 - Hunting quest  ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, quest bonus +1, personal dino +1, pack bonus +2+2, starter bonus +2, literature 40 words +1] 20 EXP

The waterhole 3/3 - Hunting quest  ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, quest bonus +1, personal dino +1, pack bonus +2+2+2+2+1+1+1+1, starter bonus +2, literature 433 words +2, +20 quality art bonus] 47 EXP
Actually... he's kind of sweet - Courtship ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2 literature 280 words +2] 16 EXP

The Big Doubt ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2+2+2+2 literature 780 words +3] 23 EXP

Confession - Personal story ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2 literature 1481 words +6] 20 EXP

The consecuences of one's acts - Personal story ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, literature 813 words +4] x2 32 EXP

Path of self-reproach - Personal story ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, other member dino ++1+1+1, literature 207 words +1] 19 EXP

Morning lights, morning hopes - Personal story ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, bust colored x2 +2, shaded x2 +4, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2, other member dino +1, literature 640 words +3] 24 EXP

Listen to me - Personal story ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2, literature 977 words +4] 18 EXP

A defeated walk home - Personal story ·panel one [bust colored +1, shaded +2, personal dino +1, pack member +2+2+2+1]

·panel two [fullbody colored+3 shaded +3, personal dino +1, pack member +2, starter bonus +2]

·panel three [fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, personal dino +1, pack member +2+2+1+1]

·panel four [starter bonus +2]
literature 1811 words +8]
45 EXP

Fight - Personal story ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, personal dino +1, starter bonus +2 literature 10 words +1] 10 EXP
Doodles ·[fullbody colored x3  +9, personal dinox8 +8, pack member +1+1] 19 EXP

Lovebirds - Collab @Umbrace ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2, literature 740 words +3] 17 EXP

A chill day at the beach - June prompt · second panel [fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1] 12 EXP
How to not impress the girl you like - Collab @Umbrace ·panel one[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2+1, other member dino +1]

·panel two [fullbody colored +3, shaded +3, background +5, personal dino +1, pack member +2+2+1, other member dino +1]
literature 751 words +4]
38 EXP

By @RadicalRyuu - Big Dummy Gay ·[fullbody colored +3, shaded +3] 9 EXP


February 2020


June 2020

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